CloudWall provides a lot of tools for manipulating buckets, managing and starting apps, converting formats and docs. All parts of CloudWall-related stuff live in global
object, which is frozen on start.
Also, since CloudWall uses a lot of third-party libs, their APIs also generally available.
Basic smartphones now have 1Gb+ RAM, which is fast, 10–100 times faster than local bucket and 50–1000 times faster than remote. Also RAM queries are sync.
So it’s a good practice to cache as much data as your app can collect and track, into RAM.
Most lib functions which parse or return JSON, use JSON extensions for stringifying/parsing functions, regexps and dates.
Compliment functions restore original types back.
CloudWall structures and methods are built extending generic prototypes, not with class constructors.
All CW objects are just objects, their props may be re-combined into other objects, cloned and so on.